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Letters to the Editor, July 14

July 14, 2003

911 caller should take some blame in tragedy

I deal with many police officers in my business and hear many stories from them regarding what they have to deal with every day. Frankly I am outraged at the fact that every time someone gets shot or killed (when they are threatening innocent people with a knife or gun) suddenly the police are animals running out of control.

Now we have members of local churches outraged - "How could the police do such a thing?" How about the next time the Childs family has someone running around their house threatening their family with a knife or gun, they call the very same ministers who are judging the actions of the police? Let's see how the ministers deal with the same situation.

The family now says they did not feel threatened by this young man? Why then was the 911 call made in the first place? While everyone is so critical of the actions of the police, and sympathetic to the man who was killed, perhaps the family's actions should be scrutinized.

It also seems like this was not the first time the police had been called to the house. What if the police had not responded so quickly and the young man killed a family member? Oh, that would be the police department's fault, too. The police in this case were in a no-win situation. Perhaps to find the real cause of this unfortunate incident, the person frantically calling 911 should take a huge share of the blame for setting the wheels in motion in the first place.